Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Let's Talk, Part II

Stop interrupting me.

Emoticons are effective when used properly. (That's not enough though--they must also be read properly.)

Ok, I've moved on. Next subject.

Stuff--enough said there.

Play--previously, the opposite of work. Now, no longer the opposite of work.

Vision--more of it gets lost every day. I don't always recognize my friends.

Journalism--that sounds nice. I think I'll do that one day. (Not today.)


Boyfriend--yes, he is there. He is here. He WAS here; now he is there. He will be back here though, and I will be there. We will be (and are) together, that's my point.

Stuff--boyfriend, talking, about--.

A love poem--I love a poem. I love for a poem to be about all the things--the stuff--you can't say in everyday conversation.

I wish more people would read my poems. I wish I would read my poems to more people.

Me--a poet, no choice. No, not forced, by myself. No, I am not by myself. I am a poet by myself though. But that is a good kind of loan-some. I could use some--poems, and time to write poems. And ENERGY to write poems. (Poems ought to have energy, that's what I think.)

Me--poetry. Not conversation. No thanks, I'd rather read you a poem (I wrote).

1 comment:

The Artist said...

This is amazing II.