Sunday, November 13, 2005

Punctuation Erotica

My boyfriend is a comm. major with an exhilerating interest in language. We were talking the other day about our favorite punctuation marks. His is the interrobang (!?), while I prefer the semicolon. What does this mean, for us--for the way we communicate, internally or externally?

!?: A question and an exclamation. In life, not only loud questions. Questions that come with something, some sort of expectation, perhaps. I don't know. Important questions can be whispered, but should be whispered with enthusiasm.

Invest in your questions. Invest time and thought into your questions. Invest words too.

;: The semicolon is a quiet mark. Subtle. It fuses the comma and colon, and it also fuses sentences. It involves bringing ideas together. I like the idea of that. Fusion. The interrobang also fuses, but more explicitly.

Perhaps I am an introvert. I'd like to think that interrobangs are a part of my being as well though.

Next time I see my boyfriend, I think I'll whisper a question to him, maybe about fusion.


Anonymous said...


That is incredibly deep. I thought I just liked the interrobang because it's intriguing. Well said.

I also enjoy interrobangs because they imply a bit of sarcasm ("Do ya think!?").


this is excellent. i'm stunned. it's a poem within itself. you should submit this somewhere.

check out -- it's a great resource for online lit / poetry magazines.

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