Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Stop calling my poetry "deep" you ignorant sluts!*

A few people have recently described my poetry as "deep." But they have it all wrong (I hope you're reading this right now, you ignorant sluts).

If it's deep it should be literal:
digging a hole in the ground for a wooden box -DEEP- that's literal
having sex . . . -DEEP- that's literal

If you can "feel" it emotionally,-
but not physically- it might be
pretty language, but it's
not a poem.

Poetry is coarse and rough- literally.
If you touch it, you could get a splinter
If you licked it, you could get herpes- THAT'S LITERAL- not deep.

*said with affection by the writer



very fiesty! excellent work. I'm always suprised.

and, your mom's site is great too!

Amy K. said...

Thanks Stacy! Sometimes I wonder if I'm too "over the top" with my writing. Like, maybe nobody out there will get it. It's nice to hear feedback, espcially from someone I admire as much as you.